10 Quick, Easy and Healthy Work Snacks.

healthy work snacks

Are you always thinking about what sort of quick, easy and healthy work snacks to keep in the office? When running our Programs, we got lots of questions about snacks so this post was very necessary! 

We actually don’t snack all that much but when we used to work in the office we would have our morning snack, lunch and afternoon snack.

Maybe this was because we hated our jobs and snack time was the highlight of our days (don’t worry we quit those jobs and merrymake full time, we are much happier and we snack way less!). Or maybe we eat more fat these days so we are satisfied for longer. Who knows?! It’s a mystery!

Even though we don’t snack that often we’re usually prepared for and have a whole heap of healthy work snacks ready for hungry hours.

Here’s our 10 Quick, Easy and Healthy Work Snacks. We’d love you to add your ideas in the comments section! 

Apple and nut butter.

This is our all time favourite easy work snack. Simply cut up an apple and serve with 2 teaspoons of delicious nut butter (our favourite is almond or macadamia). You can keep a jar of nut butter in your desk drawer, just be sure you stick to your portions. Nut overdose… been there, done that!).

Cut up veggies.

Ok we know this is a DUHHHH moment. But seriously, sometimes you forget the the joys of crunching down on some fresh veggies. It’s all in the cutting of veggies which makes this healthy work snack extra fun. And look at the colours! 

cherry burst tomato

Half an avo.

Talk about satiating (haha we never knew what that word meant, not sure if Emma can pronounce it either) anyway… half an avocado will definitely keep you satisfied till home time. Keep salt and pepper in your draw to make it extra delish.

Boiled egg.

Yes… we know boiled eggs will stink out your office. But so does your work colleague’s takeaway Maccas she brings in every Friday. Embrace the egg smell (maybe don’t quote that else where haha). A boiled egg is one of our favourite snacks, packed with protein and good stuff. We like to boil then eat right away with a bit of butter, you probably won’t be able to boil at work but you could serve with a little avocado and definitely salt and pepper. YUM!

A little bit of lunch.

We’re not really fussed on whether you have 3 meals a day, or 6 small meals, or if you fast, or if you snack all day. We know y’all (officially been watching too much Nashville!) are different and feel better eating different ways. What we do care about is that you’re eating yum, healthy unprocessed foods. So if you want to split your lunch over 2 meal times we say go for it! 


Fresh berries with coconut chips.

We don’t go craycray over fruit these days. Well look, if someone put a plate full of mangoes and pineapple in front of us we’d eat it all up. Far out fruit is yum. We really love berries coz they are lower fructose fruits. They’re also the perfect quick, easy and healthy work snack! A couple strawberries, a handful of blueberries and you are set! We like to serve ours with coconut chips.


Sugar free raw chocolate.

Ok so maybe this doesn’t fall into the quick section. But far out this recipe is an easy one! You could whip up a batch on a Sunday, leave them in your work fridge and have small portions for the week. They are quite rich so you should be right with self-control! Best healthy work snack everrrr. Get the recipe here

sweetener free chocolate

Guac and veggie sticks in a jar.

Hello delish snack in a jar! Super easy to carry to work too!  This snack is perfect when you include guacamole in your dinner the night before! Simply serve a little more out before dinner, add your veggie sticks and TA-DA delish healthy snack in a cute jar.

Paleo bread.

Make a loaf of this paleo bread, slice it up and freeze in individual portions. Pull out one slice to defrost then toast under the grill for a delish snack! Add avo or butter. YUM. Get the recipe

Pumpkin seeds and macadamias.

You can have any nut or seed but these happen to be our 2 favourites at the moment! Have them raw or roast them. Just be sure to only have about 1/4 cup at a time. Nuts and seeds can be addictive

Remember to add you favourite work snack ideas below! We’d love to hear about your go to healthy snacks.

Always merrymaking,

Emma + Carla 

Strawberry image via Viktor Hanacek.

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